
Service to All.

The service Foundational Pillar is one that really defines being an honors scholar. Giving back to the community is just as important as scholarship in the eyes of an honors scholar.

At the beginning of my freshman year, all of the incoming honors freshman moved in a few days before the other freshman for the Honors Leadership Retreat. To be honest, I was not very excited at first about the honors retreat, and really wanted to take a nap. However, on the last day of the retreat, my group was sent on a community service trip down the road to Heartland Horse Heroes Therapeutic Riding Center. It was a very hot day and the sun was blinding, but as soon as we arrived, you could feel the love that this place provided. A few of my friends and I got to go to this trailer that housed a learning environment for some of the students that came to Heartland Horse Heroes, and it was so amazing to be able to refresh this room for the owners. It was a beautiful experience that I would not have been able to experience without the Cormier Honors College.

Another service opportunity I have gotten to participate with throughout my time at Longwood was with FACES, the local food bank in Farmville.