The Three Honors Pillars

SERVICE: I have spent many hours volunteering with children and special needs kids. When I am home I volunteer at a “parents night out” event. While I am in Farmville I have volunteered at FACES multiple times and I have also volunteered my time with friends and other students as a tutor.


COMMUNITY: I met most of the friends I have made this year in my dorm. I have also made friends in my teammates and classmates. I have always found that I am much happier when I have friendly faces surrounding me in everything I do. I am a firm believer that the people around you can build you up more than you could ever do yourself and in college it is more important than ever to have a strong support network.


SCHOLARSHIP: School has never been difficult for me. All through highschool I never had to study or really work hard to get grades. As soon as I got to college I knew this was not going to work anymore. For the first time I was studying and working harder then I ever have and I am starting to see these changes make differences for me. I am understanding the importance of working just as hard outside of the classroom as I do inside the classroom and I believe this newfound work ethic will help me immensely in the coming years.