Letter to my senior self

Dear Senior Self,

I can only imagine how excited you are, college (at least undergrad) is almost over and you are itching for senior year to be done. But I know us and I know how sad you are when you think about leaving longwood behind. You have made lots of friends and you have met many people that I am sure are still by your side to this day and you love them for that. You have put yourself outside of your comfort box many times this year and it has made you a better person and I hope you continue to do that.

Honestly just thinking about senior year is scaring me, maybe because I am not even sure if I am going to make it that far right now. I have faith in us that we will. I believe in us to do what we have to do to walk across that stage.

I know you are excited and I know you want to be done but you have to focus for one more year and then you can go wild (for about a week cause then the real world will start). Enjoy senior year buddy. Enjoy the friends and good times, and enjoy your last seasons of rugby and wrestling, and cherish them because before you know it they will be gone. Enjoy the bad times and the stress. Enjoy everything that is coming because very soon itll come and go and you will be left wondering where it all went, so enjoy it while it is here.

Your freshman year self who is wishing he was you,

Christopher Buckhorn