
Hello, my name is Maggie Bryant! I am currently a first year sophomore at Longwood University. I plan to graduate in 2022 with a B.A. in English and a minor in Philosophy.

I have always loved to write, ever since I could hold a pen. I used to write short stories and I always had novel ideas in my head. I remember when I was nine and obsessed with horses, I wrote a book about a horse camp (it had 10 chapters-all complete with titles!) Ever since then, I’ve been writing books and poems and short stories in my free time. I hope to become a published author someday, but my dream job is to edit for a major publication or publishing company (think Random House).

When I got to Longwood, I had changed around my major a few times, but after taking my first semester of Philosophy with Dr. Moore, I fell in love with the subject. I was fully prepared to double major, but sadly Longwood doesn’t have a philosophy major, so  I decided to add the Philosophy minor to my degree.

Letter to my Senior Self

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