
The Cormier Honors College is not just the average Honors program. It is not an excessive amount of work, like more reading or more assignments, but more of a smarter way to work. You wont be taking extra classes, but more of like the same classes as everyone else just designed in a more innovative way. The Cormier Honors College opens your eyes to new ways of learning, which is what college should always be about.

For example, in my citizenship class, we did projects that made us do real world research and made us study real world problems within the classroom. We designed our own syllabus and our own class around a specific world problem that we were interested in. Cormier Honors college prepares us for the real world by teaching us about the real world. Honors classes can be special topics that teacher can select that may help us find a new passion or a new topic we wish to study.

The Cormier Honors College has given me insight on myself, and has given me insight on some of the problems the world has faced in the past and now. The scholarship of CHC, is innovative and unique, and provides its students with opportunities of a lifetime in learning.

Jun 2019

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