Relevant Courses

Spring Semester 2017

  • Principles of Accounting I

This class explained the analysis of accounting transactions made by small and large companies. This class also entailed the explanations of how accounting transactions can affect the preparation of financial statements.


Fall Semester 2017

  • Principles of Accounting II

This class taught the internal accounting tools and techniques within a company that determines the cost of the product and supply. It introduced cost-budget-profit, budgeting, costing and analysis variance between budget amounts and the actual amount. As well as, also introduced the format and introduction of statement of cash flow.

  • Legal Environment

This class entailed the crucial business law requirements that are needed to for a business to run its day-to-day operations smoothly. Many topics discussed within the class were contracts, consumer protection, agency and bailments.


Spring Semester 2018

  • Public Speaking

During this class we learned how to present and evaluate a variety of speeches in different topics and ways to present them.

  • Introduction to Media Writing

This class entailed developing and reporting different techniques required in the media writing field. There was also practice in gathering news and using public relations tactics with interviewing, accuracy of the information, grammar, and working under a deadline.

  • Principles of Microeconomics

This class entailed that the students learn to think like an economists and apply microeconomics principles of how individuals and their societies make decisions in the face of scarcity.  We were able to combine abstract concepts with formal analytic tools, like supply and demand, in order to fully understand how the market works, how companies and individuals form decisions, and how those decisions affect the real market outcomes.


Fall Semester 2018

  • Public Relations Writing

During this public relations writing class we learned how to write in a range of public relations situations. We also learned writing skills, principles, and concepts. Engagement included significant issues and trends that influence the public relations field.

  • Contemporary Practices in Communication

This class entailed current skills and strategies that are needed within the Communication Studies field.