Study Abroad

I participated in my study abroad through the HONS 490 course. While there was much collaboration with those from abroad, the studying was not so much “abroad.” I completed my study abroad from my dorm room due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though I could not experience what an actual study abroad trip/course would be like, I still believe I got a rather good glimpse of what studying abroad in honors was about.

Studying abroad in honors is not about where you go, what major landmarks you visit, or what cool foods you eat. It’s about making connections with people from different places, working with them, brainstorming, and coming up with an integrative idea and collaborating with each other to complete the assignments. It about learning to work with different types of programming and working around time differences. It is about learning the different cultures and how things are similar to and different from America. With that being stated, I would say that I had a great study “abroad” experience in which I still learned a great ordeal of things despite doing it all from my dorm room.

Below you can see the COVID-19: The Podcast infographic created by myself, Seraphina Moreno, Mark Jongejan, and Artemesia Figetakis, on March 15th, 2021.

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