Dear 2022 Alaina,
How are you doing? How is college treating you. I have only been here a week, but I am enjoying it a great deal. I’ve made a couple of good friends, and get along great with my roommate and suite-mates. We survived New Lancer Days, which were actually a surprisingly fun time. Have you decided what major you want to pursue yet? Whatever you pick, just don’t freak out and change it 20 times. Pick something you think you’ll like, and stick with it. I know sometimes we overthink things a lot and change our minds, but that is all a part of the process.
Plus, we’re definitely going to end up being education majors. I think we’d be a really good teacher. The kind that lets kids sit in the classroom during lunch if they need help with homework or a safe place to eat. Definitely the kind that coaches a bunch of sports and hosts clubs and makes class so much fun for the students. As I am typing this I am getting super excited about being a teacher. I’ve always wanted to be one but go back and forth with myself about all of the other crazy dream jobs I’ve had, but I always end up coming back to teaching. I think we’d be amazing at it!
I hope classes are going well for you and you’re involved in things you want to be a part of. Don’t stretch yourself too thin, and please don’t be hard on yourself! You got this 🙂
Remember to visit mom and dad and tell them how much you appreciate them, and keep talking to Noelle and Mae and Sam, and especially Nate. Checking in on them shows you care. And call your grandparents!
You got this girl! Sincerely,
2018 Alaina