Physical Education 101 Fitness Concepts Through Exercise

Physical Education 101

Fulfilled: Goal 11

Physical Education 101 was the first class focused on movement and personal wellbeing I had taken since sophomore year of high school. I remembered Drivers Education and Health class being superficial back then. It was never that the teacher was poor or that the content was not important, but I always felt that what we were learning rarely applied to me. It is good to know how to use weights and exercise equipment; however, as an individual who had done more than a little self-reflection. I knew that I had no interest in joining a gym or keeping a well-regimented exercise routine just for the sake of it.

This course gave me more time and room to adjust my activities to my interests. I know what activities I am likely to be interested in, enjoy and complete. By learning more about how my body moves and different ways of supporting my health, I was able to select activities I enjoyed to provide the movement and exercise my body needs. For example, I may not be excited about doing 20 reps of push-ups, but I jump at the chance to go kayaking and canoeing. By applying my studies, I can find fun activities that match up with exercises I am unlikely to complete on a regular basis. My work in this class helped me to see past the idea of using self-control to force myself into completing a routine and helped me to create a flexible series of activities that would provide me with the movement and strength I desired to live my ideal life. Below is a picture of my family and I kayaking on a local lake, having fun and getting activity!

This photo was taken at a local lake on July 27th, 2019. It features my mother and two younger brothers kayaking ahead of me as we spent a few hours exploring the area.