
I was born to two loving parents in New York way back in 1998. Shortly after, I was joined by sister and later my two brothers. Being the oldest of four, I came to feel a responsibility to help my younger siblings  and parents in any way I could. This motivation was especially key in my own academic pursuits.

Instead of simply pushing my way through school, I was determined to learn everything well enough to assist in any foreseeable capacity. As early as fourth grade I remember setting a high bar for myself, so that I could put others first. From there, I continued to strive for academic excellence steadily working my way through middle school, and high school eventually attending the Shenandoah Valley Governor’s School. Throughout my studies I have conducted various independent research projects, taken six Advanced Placement courses and explored my passion of woodworking.

Of course, there is a lot more to life than just school, as exciting as learning is. In middle school, I joined the John Lewis Society and worked as a volunteer for three years at the Frontier Culture Museum as an assistant to the interpreters on the German farm. At the same time, I joined the Technology Student Association (TSA) where I went on to hold regional offices, make lifelong friendships, and earn various awards at the regional, state and national level. TSA gave me the courage to be myself while providing me a place to call my own and a group to belong to. I also took time to explore the beautiful world around me in planning a 100 mile hike through the Shenandoah Valley on the Appalachian Trail with my mom, sister and friend.

In high school, I continued my work through TSA eventually earning the member of the year award. I became an active member of the Spanish club for all four years as I explored different cultural perspectives. I was honored with membership in the National Honor’s Society and a place on the planning committee for Cave Hill Day Camp in Girl Scouts in which I earned my Gold Award. For the first time, I worked a paying job at Graceful Beginnings Preschool and Daycare. Although I continued to volunteer, sharing the gifts I was blessed to have by serving my community as a Sunday School teacher, camp counselor, creating enrichment opportunities at various elementary schools, and making myself available to anyone in need.

At Longwood University, I have completed the second year of what is proving to be a beautiful transformative experience.  I am pushing myself academically through honors courses, expanding my horizons by studying abroad, and dedicating my free time to assisting those in need. I can only hope that the next three years working towards my Master’s Degree are as exciting as the first two.