A little bit about me…

My name is Avery Daniels, I’m 19 years old and I’m currently a sophomore at Longwood University. I’m majoring in Communication Studies with a concentration in Public Relations. I came to college in search of what I was meant to do, and found it.

Before Longwood, I went to Mills E. Godwin High School in the West End of Richmond. In high school I wandered aimlessly, but as soon as I got to Longwood something changed in me, and became a completely new student. Like many, I came to college wanting a new beginning to prove that I could do very well in school.  I had no idea that I could be working this hard and still enjoying it, but its because I chose to learn about an area of expertise that I connected with.

I have established a schedule for myself so that I can keep myself productive and focused. I’ve realized that being and feeling prepared is a really rewarding thing. Most of my time is spent in the library with coffee, homework, and friends (as pictured). I like to not only have my work done because I like to feel prepared, but so I also have time to operate and update my side business on Instagram, Beads By Avery. On this Instagram page I use skills I’ve learned from previous to advertise and market my handmade beaded crochet jewelry. Part of why I feel Communication Studies is so perfect for me is because I know I can always find someone to talk to and I know I will always make the best of any situation.

As I am a millennial, who is also a Communication Studies major, I feel as though I am pretty well versed in the trends of this digital age. Social media is the millennials way of marketing our personal brand, which is displaying us as individuals and our lifestyles. Professionally, I would love to either work in social media, event planning, and/or Public Affairs.