
Hello, my name is Autumn High, and I am a current Longwood University Sophomore, Majoring in Communications Studies with a Concentration in Digital Media. Being that I am still in the mist of my college career it is very hard for me to pin-point what my “dream” position is. I believe that, in time, when I am ready, the idea of a career should just pop-up in my head. Although, my passion is to have a career in which I can use my creative voice to uplift individuals in hopes that I can create a positive change, through either my video or media content. Yet, until then, let me share with you some of the skills I have obtained and possessed even before college. 

  • Communication Skills: Talking is my specialty. I am great in Conflict Resolution, speaking well with others, persuasion methods, and defusing situations at any given moment.
  • Organized: I am a procrastinator, so the only thing that helps me with this curse is manipulating an agenda to maintain a well-planned out day.
  • My will to Learn: I am a strong believer in the term, Knowledge Is Power. It has been drilled so much into my head that, I make sure that I take every opportunity that I can to learn any and every given thing there is to know.

~If you are enjoying yourself up to this point then please, feel free to enjoy the rest of my E-Portfolio!

~P.S. My link to both Personal Blog and LinkedIn account are in the headers above!


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