Letter to My Senior Self



Over these past few years, I hope that you have taken the world that you’ve had at your feet and embraced it with open arms. I know that after just two semesters, Longwood has already offered so many wonderful opportunities to you – I can only imagine all of the wonders you’ve faced and all the feats you’ve accomplished by now.

I hope that you continue to give all of yourself to everything that you do, but also give time to yourself to rest, to count your breaths, and to enjoy the world and moments around you.

I hope that looking back at this, you never let your fears get the best of you – you miss out on so many amazing things being scared to try.

I hope that when you walk across Wheeler Lawn, you are proud of the woman you are and you are ready to face the great wide world, ready to educate and inspire the young minds of all your future students.

Education has always been so important to you, and I hope you continue to take your love of learning wherever you go. I am so excited to see all that you learn and experience while in school and as you build new skills to bring into your career.

I can’t wait to see the amazing contributions you’ve given to the organizations you’ve participated in, and I hope that you’ve tried something new or out of your comfort zone.

Never stop asking why, never stop pushing yourself, and never forget where you came from or why you do what you do. Stand your ground and no matter how much courage it takes, use your voice and speak your mind.

I am SO proud of you!

“To live will be an awfully big adventure”


In motion,
