As seen throughout my portfolio, I provided viewers a brief summary of the assignments that I completed and the knowledge I gained in ENGL 400. On the homepage, I have included an academic/professional bio as well as stated the purpose of this ePortfoilo. The next three pages explained how the course journal entries, rhetorical analysis, and Common Good Project allowed me to accomplish the course learning outcomes. Overall, this course has taught me that rhetoric is a powerful persuasive tool that can be used to elicit positive changes in the world. Active citizenship can symbolize different things to different people. Before taking this class, writing seemed insignificant in the grand scheme of things. In reality, written communication is a small, yet very impactful tool in developing active citizenship. The knowledge and skills that I gained throughout this course are applicable to multiple contexts in my life and will be very beneficial to me in my future academic and professional careers. Whether it is writing an application to graduate school, writing treatment plans, or advocating for my clients, the writing skills that I learned in ENGL 400 will prove be useful and valuable.