Letter To My Senior Self

Dear Sara Jane,

Holy cow dude !!! You just finished your first year of college. It flew by so much faster than you had thought. You made so many memories this year and developed some incredible friendships. You met Elana, your best friend in the entire world. You joined Sigma Sigma Sigma and got 60 sisters who love you unconditionally. You took honors classes that you were originally terrified of taking. The very first week you were at Longwood, you made so many memories with your new friends in honors. I’m sure you’re looking back at this letter like ” wow. I feel like that was just yesterday. ” But you have come so far, you’re a senior in nursing school ! You never thought you could make it, but look at you. You have college life all figured out and can’t believe you’re graduating this year. My advice to you during and after your senior year is to never give up and never let other people’s opinions of you overthrow your own. 


The freshman Sara Jane