HONS-201-50-Education for Social Change

In the fall semester of my freshman year, I took Honors Education for Social Change. This class was focused on the 2016 Presidential Election. We discussed politics, social and political movements, the election and the Presidential candidates, and the election process. This class was interesting to me because instead of only having lecture and having to read from a powerpoint, we actually got to participate and share our opinions. We had multiple opportunities to work as groups to explore social issues and political candidates. We took a field trip to the Longwood Center for Visual Arts as well, and got to experience their exhibit on past and present presidents. We even got to participate in an in class debate, which I really enjoyed. We were split in half and given an issue and were told to be for or against that issue. Then, as teams, we did research and came up with evidence to support our side.


Being able to do the research I did in this class helped me to learn more about how our country is run. Below is a platform position paper that we were assigned before the election. We all chose a current issue and researched the candidates positions on them.